Browse Category: Amaryllis

February 25th, 2015 roundup

February is coming to a close but not without a few surprises to be found and a conclusion to be had.

Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus)
Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus)

Last year was the first time that ranunculus was planted. When it died off, the tuber was saved but not properly stored. Mold got to them and whether they’ll grow was up in the air. A fresh stock of ranunculus was purchased and planted as an insurance policy. The growth of the ranunculus from the new stock pretty much indicates that last year’s molded stock will not grow again.

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)

I pass by this amaryllis at least several times a day and did not noticed that it was sending up a flower bud. What is exciting is that this is its first flower bud. In 2012, I purchased an amaryllis bulb and grew it for the first time. When the flower died, I left the plant along believing that the flower would reappear the next year. Instead of a flower, side shoots shot up. It was then that I figured out that in order for the bulb to flower again that it was necessary to cut back all of the foliage. Otherwise, it will form bulbils. With four bulbils of various sizes, I planted them and three years later, the largest of the bulbils is ready to flower. Exciting!

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)

Here is momma amaryllis in the terracotta pot and her offspring. One of the offspring only has one leaf blade and has a ways to go before it will flower. Offspring #4 not pictured.

Florence fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Florence fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Last year, fennel was planted for the first time. It was a surprise to discover how big the plant gets. Fennel also seeds profusely. This is one of the few fennel that seeded itself.

California Poppy(Eschscholzia californica) flower bud.
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) flower bud.
Clivia(Clivia miniata)
Clivia (Clivia miniata)

February: flowers in the garden

Freesia, violet flower
Freesia, violet flower
Swordlily orchid with misshapen petals due in part by a hungry katydid
Swordlily orchid with misshapen petals due in part by a hungry katydid
Freesia bud. Violet.
Freesia bud. Violet.
Purply daylily
Purply daylily
'Mr. Lincoln' hybrid tea rose grows in after a being pruned.
‘Mr. Lincoln’ hybrid tea rose grows in after a being pruned.
Amaryllis finally growing back after being cut back in late November. I discovered that they wont flower unless they are cut back.
Amaryllis finally growing back after being cut back in late November.
I discovered that they wont flower unless they are cut back.
When Amaryllis are not cut back, they dont flower but instead make offshoot bulbs. This was one of the three bulbs that has been growing for a couple of years now. Without looking up the answer, I am waiting to see how long before it will flower. Given the size, not anytime soon.
When Amaryllis are not cut back, they dont flower but instead make offshoot bulbs. This was one of the three bulbs that has been growing for a couple of years now. Without looking up the answer, I am waiting to see how long before it will flower. Given the size, not anytime soon.
Golden poppy
Golden poppy
4 o'clock. These flowers are weed like. They set a bunch of seeds that scatter and grow all over the place.
4 o’clock. These flowers are weed like. They set a bunch of seeds that scatter and grow all over the place.
Freesia bud
Freesia bud
Ranunculus sprouts
Ranunculus sprouts
Since I dont know what ranunculus look like, I was not sure if the sprouts were ranunculus or weed. Seeing the seed covering on the sprout is reassuring.
Since I dont know what ranunculus look like, I was not sure if the sprouts were ranunculus or weed. Seeing the seed covering on the sprout is reassuring.
Ranunculus tubers
Ranunculus tubers