
The work/content/knowledge are intellectual property and creative license of Never Enough Dirt & Brian Truong.

The work/content/knowledge are made available for Fair Use and can be shared under Fair Use guidelines (with proper citation.) Reproduction and or plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Contact brian at never enough dirt dot com for permission.

Intellectual Property (IP)
Hours, years, dollars, blood, sweat, and tears have been spent to gain knowledge (aka research and development.) As such information from the public domain have been applied to different situations, results collected, analyzed, and distilled into knowledge (intellectual property.)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Machine generated content is derived from information & knowledge found online. Generative content does not properly cite nor compensate IP holders. Never Enough Dirt work/content/knowledge may not be use for AI generation nor learning; without permission.

Theft occurs when a person, entity, business, etc, is compensated/ recognized for the distribution of intellectually protected work. It is plagiarism with financial and reputational consequences– depriving the original owner money and recognition.
For example, it is general knowledge that broccoli may only grown during the cool months. If I showed how to be able to grow broccoli year round and you take this information as your own and distribute it, you stand to gain financially and reputationally while depriving me (the original owner.) This gain can be in the form of social media engagement which can be transformed into monetary value.