2018 Tomato Growing: Ep5 ‘Suncherry Extra Sweet’ 2nd Tasting + Update
After the last episode, more tomato samples were had from the plant in the greenhouse. The sweetness level did not change much. It is worth noting that allowing the tomato more time to ripen did increase the sweetness a bit.
In this episode, we sample from a different plant grown in a different part of the yard; in soil that is more established. The tomato test was allow to vine ripen.
Like the first plant, the tomatoes from this plant missed the expectation for the level of sweetness. Additionally, the peel is tough.
Seed packet description: Suncherry Extra Sweet is a leading variety in Japan. Colorful and sweet, these bite-sized, deep red cherry tomatoes can be harvested over a long growing season with steady fruit set. They resist cracking and are particularly disease resistant to fusarium wilt race 1 and TMV. The fruits are very sweet with a 9-10 brix degree in sugar content.
Additional remarks: in the video, I said that 36 cents per seed is expensive. I mean that in relative terms. Additionally, these being hybrid means that the seeds from these tomatoes may not grow into plants that produce the same fruit characteristics. This means that unlike heirloom varieties that allow us to seed save, hybrid seeds will have to purchased every time we run out.
Zone 10b / San Gabriel Valley / Los Angeles / Southern California / USA