GARDEN TOUR: July 27th Update
We are once again out in the garden to see how it is growing. The galangal ginger is coming along nicely. It has already received two toppings of compost from a nearby source of compost.
On the topic of tropical plants, one turmeric rhizome is beginning to show signs of sprouting while another has already unfurled its first set of leaves.
On the newer garden beds, the pumpkins, peas, and daikon radish have been cleared out (since the last tour). In their place, more sugar pie pumpkins have been sown. Also in this space, cantaloupe plants are being grown for the first time. With La Nina foretasted, we may be able to squeeze them in this year. Two varietes are being tried: Charantais (a French heirloom) and Ha’Ogen (an heirloom from Israel). Both are said to have excellent favors.
In a separate and newer planting area, the soil has been once more amended in hopes that the area will be useful. Growing there now with good signs are: Charantais melon, Triomphe De Farcy filet beans, Dorinny Sweet yellow corn, and Moon & Stars watermelon.
That and more in the video.